gut health matters

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The Farmhouse Culture Story
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History of Farmhouse culture


While working as a chef in Europe, our founder Kathryn Lukas encountered two compelling truths. One, fermentation is fascinating. And two, her friends in the US had no idea. Inspired, Kathryn returned home with a clear message: Fermentation is going to have a positive impact on lives. In short order, she assembled a crew, now known as Farmhouse Culture, to spread the word of unmistakable gut health benefits.
Farmhouse Culture has been rooted in uncovering the potential of foods through the timeless art of fermentation. We turn simple, organic vegetables into intense taste experiences with surprising gut-centric benefits. Just like the process of fermentation, Farmhouse Culture is a celebration of good things that come together on this earth.
Why Gut Health Matters
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It All Starts with the Gut

You’ve probably already heard that probiotics can give your body the extra support it needs to get the most nutrients from your food and build up your immune system. Have you heard the term “gut health” but not known where to start?

Gut Health is all About Routine

Building up your gut health is like brushing your teeth, it only takes a few minutes a day but the results are immediate and easily recognizable!

Stress, poor diet, medication, illness, and aging are the most well-known gut enemies. Adding probiotics from fermented organic vegetables is the best way to fuel the bacteria in your microbiome to be strong against those daily offenders.

A Healthy Gut is a Healthy Microbiome

A microbiome is a collection of all the bacteria that inhabit our digestive system. A healthy and diverse microbiome can directly affect the wellbeing of their host (YOU)!

“Microbes in the lower intestinal tract help us digest food, fight harmful bacteria, and regulate the immune system. But sometimes an imbalance of microbes occurs, leading to diarrhea and other health problems.” – Harvard University

Who Works Hardest For You, Besides YOU?

Here at Farmhouse Culture, we use one of the oldest and most traditional methods of fermenting and the bacterial strains involved in the fermentation process vary depending on the naturally occurring bacteria on the cabbage, but you can find the most prominent strains of bacteria listed on the packaging of each specific product.

We Rep the Good kind of Bacteria

+ Lactobacillus pentosus/plantarum
Improves immune function
+ Lactobacillus paraplantarum
Inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria
+ Lactobacillus koreensis
Can help reduce chlolestrol
+ Lactobacillus brevis
Promotes the growth of good bacteria
+ Lactobacillus hammesii
Promotes antifungal activity

What Exactly Are Probiotics
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Probi-what now?

good bacteria friendly flora live culturesgood bacteria friendly flora live cultures

Probiotics are bacteria that positively contribute to our health. They line your digestive tract and support your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection.

Probiotics are naturally found in our bodies, among the trillions of bacteria that make up our “microbiome” (the name for the community of bacteria that live on and around us). Stress, poor diet, antibiotics and disease can throw our microbiome out of balance, creating the need to supplement our body’s existing bacteria with probiotics. When you consume probiotics, they travel to your gut via your digestive system, where they not only help break down food and assist with the digestive process, but also fight off harmful bacteria and provide a host of other benefits.

foods rich in probiotics
foods rich in probiotics
foods rich in probiotics
foods rich in probiotics
foods rich in probiotics
foods rich in probiotics
foods rich in probiotics
foods rich in probiotics